Ask our Raw food Nutritionist

Welcome to Organic Dog Chef nutrition & wellness advise page.

Hey? My name is Angelos certified raw food nutritionist & wellness advisor at Organic Dog Chef stores and I'm happy to help you with anything regarding the raw feeding world, nutrition tips & wellness. I have working with Organic Dog Chef since 2017 with lots of experience on dog's with chronic condition like: ''cancer, liver disease, allergies, obesity and many more, helping our clients to choose right raw food recipes, supplements & nutrition tips for at least managing the situation of the dog and also offering a higher quality of life. I'm a strong advocate of "holistic living for pets" and this is because modern dogs are living in highly toxic environments, lifestyle & poor dietary habits that in the long term poses our pet's in dangerous conditions.


I'm a proud dad of 3 dogs: Berry 3 years old (the black shepherd), Lina 13 years old (the brown jack russell terrier) & Minion on the left 11 years old.

I'm here to help you & discuss more to create a suitable and according to your dog health a balanced diet with variety of nutrition and ingredients always providing the latest scientific data and feeding strategies for better bowls.

We working together to create safe nutrition & wellness page not for diagnosis or replacing your Vet advice, but for the pet parents that are lost & confused about the raw feeding world, busting myths & misinformation that may read or watch nowadays on social media. ALWAYS ask your vet first and have a professional diagnosis. 

This is completely free of charge for already Organic Dog Chef clients, for new clients there will be a small charge of 20€ just to qualify the time that I and also you spend, because unfortunately many people keep asking us randomly things on social media or on our email without never reply or coming back to us which is so time-consuming for me.

What does the consultation includes?

- introduction in raw feeding world

- important nutrition for puppies to senior dogs

- how & why to select food toppers and supplements

- selecting the right raw recipes for your dog according to your dog needs

- specific nutrients & supplements for supporting overall health

Please fulfill the section below and I will be glad to help you with anything you may want to ask and I will be back to you soon. I'm also able to offer you a video call for better communication.